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PILAR Vehicle Protection

PILAR vehicle version is designed for the protection of heavy and light armoured vehicles, as well as police armoured vehicles. It is available as a tetrahedral acoustic array mounted on the vehicle roof. It can also include a display indicating the shot origin and identification.

Armored vehicle equipped with acoustic threat detection device

Real time threat monitoring

  • Provides GPS coordinates and identification of the threats
  • Good accuracy for determining the shot origin:
    • Azimuth: ±2°
    • Elevation: ±3°
    • Range: ±10%
  • Operating during fighting attacks with multiple threats such as Small Arm Fires, RPGs and Mortars.

Frecnh army vehicle protection

System on duty

This system has been fitted on several hundred vehicles of the French Army and users on various theatres of operations (Afghanistan, Central African Republic, etc.) have been very satisfied.